Items purchased on are eligible for return or exchange within 14 days of delivery.
All items must be unworn in their original condition, with all original tags and packaging intact to be eligible for a full return. You have a legal obligation to take reasonable care of the products while they are in your possession.
We recommend that you return products in their original packaging to ensure the necessary protection when in transit. We also recommend that returned goods be sent via insured, traceable delivery for your protection.
Please note that returns are currently not free and it will be the full duty of the customer to pay for the return of any item bought with us. Please also note that we are not liable for items that are lost or damaged during transit. We strongly recommend that all returns are sent using traceable delivery.
Once your return has arrived at our HQ, our team will then check that the items are in their original condition*. This process typically takes 7-14 business days.
Once your return is accepted, a refund will be issued. Funds can take 5-10 business days to appear in the account of your original payment method. You will be informed of your refund via email confirmation.
*Please note that if your item does not pass our checks, you will be notified via email and it will be sent back to you at your cost. Take a look at our Terms and conditions for more details.
Please also note that we are a small team trying our best to answer all your questions as quickly as possible. We would also like to highlight that it may take slightly longer to respond to certain queries. We are a start-up and sometimes we must wait for a response from our third-party partners before we can offer you a solution. We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding.
To make a return, please send us an email at with a completed returns form. Please note any returns sent to us without a form via both email and included with parcel will not be accepted. Access our returns form here.
Returns Address: Osami Returns 325 N Larchmont Blvd. #608 Los Angeles, CA 90004